Beloved Nigerian vocalist, entrepreneur, actress and activist Sonia Aimy reconnects with her creative heart via quarantine-inspired reflections and self-realizationon her latest album Reconnect (released worldwide on October 1st, 2021 via Slammin Media).For almost as long as she can remember now, beloved Nigerian vocalist, entrepreneur, actress, and activist Sonia Aimy has been on the go. In fact, since she started touring widely as a musician at the young age of 23, she can’t recall having lingered in any one city for more than a few months at a time or having ever really stopped to take some time off for herself away from the stage, from the relentless creative output, or from her many humanitarian passion projects.
Sonia Aimy
October 1st, 2021
12 Songs
1.00 PM
1.00 PM
07.00 PM
2.00 PM
08.30 PM
Beloved Nigerian vocalist, entrepreneur, actress and activist Sonia Aimy reconnects with her creative heart via quarantine-inspired reflections and self-realizations on her latest album Reconnect ( released worldwide on October 1st, 2021 via Slammin Media).
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